Em baixo o rescaldo da Montemor Olympic Cup por um dos treinadores da equipa olímpica,Rob de Rooij.
Attached you will find the results of todays regatta. However, this list of numbers was the least important of today.
It was a beautiful day today. A lot of hard work, tough pieces, good competition but most important a lot of friendship and cooperation. Thank you very very much.
About the races:
The 6x 500m races itself we did without handicaps. For such a short race that would had only resulted in more confusion. There where just 2x's and 1x's on the water. The starts went all ok, very quick and professional. The alignment of the boats where sometimes a little with the 'olhometro' in stead of very precise, but who cares.
About the results:
Everybody for me has won today for just being there and trying, even when the material was not optimal. I would like to highlight some specific results:
1. the 1.31 of Pedro and Nuno on the first race, that is realy fast on this course.
2. the 1.46 of Ricardo Carvalho on race #1 as well as Jorge Dinis in 1.44
3. the 1.44 of Ricardo Paula in race #5 (!) after already 4 races in double.
The pacience of Paulo Quesado and Ricardo Paula to allow to row 2 races Jorge Dinis with Paulo. Jorge is a very young but gifted athlete. He is part of our future in rowing.
Last note:
The LM2x is getting into shape and it is thanx to all of you. The coming 2 weeks also everybody is welcome in Montemor to race or train again in any boat/combination. We have some boats available.
I would like to thank Galitos and Ginasio, specially Canhola for the help. In the future we go do this more times.
At the moment I am uploading all the photos taken today by João França's girlfriend Mirthe (thank you Mirthe) but my internet connection is rather slow, so it might take some time for them to appear online.
This is the link :
or try:
On behalf of the team Pedro, Nuno, Jorge, Eduardo
a big 'abraço'
2 comentários:
Foi uma boa manhã sem dúvida. Eu tenho mais algumas fotos que tirei, se houver algum sitio para onde possa mandar... são de uma perspectiva diferente, foram tiradas da margem.
Olá Carol, claro que tens para onde enviar as tuas fotos, usa o seguinte endereço:
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